learnz 2001

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Tiritiri Matangi homepage 


An Island Environment


Inner Hauraki Gulf

Offshore islands

Island sanctuary

Marine reserves

Tiritiri Matangi marine reserve

Hauraki Gulf weather


People and the Environment

Lighthouse story

Meet DoC's Ray Walter


Supporters of Tiritiri Matangi


Weather recording

Weed control

Land use


Threatened Species

Birds of Tiritiri Matangi

Classification systems

Bellbird pics

Bellbird facts

Hihi pics

Hihi facts

Hihi release

Kokako pics

Kokako facts

Tui pics

Tui facts

Kereru pics

Kiwi pics

Penguin pics

Takahe pics

Takahe or pukeko?

Wattle birds

NZ honeyeating birds

Updated: September 6, 2001


Classifying Threatened Species

Kokako have an IUCN rating of "Endangered" - Image: DoC
Kokako have an IUCN rating of "Endangered"


IUCN is an international conservation group made up of government and non-government organisations, scientists and other conservation experts who carry out conservation action around the world. The IUCN publishes data on the species threatened and gives a classification of their conservation status.

Department of Conservation

In NZ DoC uses a ranking scale devised by Molloy and Davis. Together these scales provide priorities for species protection.

For example Kokako are listed as "endangered" (20 % chance of going extinct in 20 years) on IUCN ranking with a category B (second priority rating) by the Department of Conservation.

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