Telecom New Zealand

Home Base

The Mission

The Resources


A Special Visitor

Alien Worlds

Space Links

Lost In Space?

The Mission

Astronaut training, survival in space, life on the MIR space station and space food are just some of the subjects that you and your class can find out more about directly from our space experts.(Have you ever wondered how you can swallow food and be upside down at the same time?).

Our journey into the stars starts in the first week of the fourth term. As well as speaking with astronauts from NASA, we will enjoy a special visit here in New Zealand from Dr Shannon Lucid, a US astronaut who has spent more time in space than any other woman in the world!


  • Weekly audioconferences with schools (commencing mid October)
    Students will have the opportunity to ask our guest speakers questions about space and share the experiences of some fascinating and adventurous people.
  • Weekly fax bulletins
    Each week you will receive a fax bulletin that will introduce you to that week's guest speaker. It will also contain special features, quizzes and the
    latest Internet sites, plus some useful background information to help with your Exploring and Adventurering in the classroom.
  • Electronic mail
    You can send in your latest poems, stories and pictures to be published on the Telecom Space Explorers web site. Simply contact us with your contributions and we'll put them on the web for you.
  • The Space Explorers home page.
    Updated regularly with news reports, bulletins, audioconference questions & answers and background information about Space Explorers. Keep an eye out for the latest happenings!