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First Aid

Top 5 Tramping Spots

Top 10 Tramping Tips

Kablueys Kwiz

First Aid is a must when you are out tramping. If you ever get caught in a messy situation First Aid will be the thing that you need most. So you're out tramping and... WHOOPS!! Next minute you're half way down the cliff face. What are you going to do? You call out to your mate but Oh No! he forgot the First Aid Kit!! What are you going to do now? This is one of the many sticky situations you could get stuck in if you don't have a......FIRST AID KIT!

DO NOT PANIC! Remain calm and do what you have to do! It might be difficult but it will pay off in the end.

Things you need in a... FIRST AID KIT!

Space Blanket
Sticking Plasters
Various Dressings
Triangular Bandage
Safety Pins
Anti Septic wipes


STOP! means sit, think and observe. It is the most intelligent thing you can do when you are in trouble.

Before you go out on your tramp think about all the possibilities. What could happen? What would you do about it?  How would you handle the situation?

Create a medical checklist. Always make sure that you have personal kit with you at all times. Most survival situations only require dressings for small cuts or bruises and personal medication.

Make sure that you know what you have in your pack and of course that you know how to use it. Then you can be a medical genius! And remember not to over pack!

Concentrate on being found maybe carry a picture of your family in your pack to help you to remember why you are keeping calm!