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Dinosaur Jokes!

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Q: What do you call it when a dinosaur slides in to home plate?


A: A dinoscore! (thanks to Mark Alden Root-Wiley)


Q: What do you get if you cross a Triceratops with a kangaroo ?


A: A Tricera-hops!


Q: What do you get if you cross a pig with a dinosaur ?


A: Jurassic Pork!


Q: What family does Maiasaur belong to?


A: I don't think any families in our neighborhood have one!


Q: What made the dinosaur's car stop ?


A: A flat Tire-annosaurus !

Q: What do you call a dinosaur that left its armor out in the rain ?


A: A Stegosau-rust !


Q: What type of tool does a prehistoric reptile carpenter use?


A: A dino-saw !


Q: Who makes the best prehistoric reptile clothes ?


A: A dino-sewer !


Q: Which dinosaurs were the best policemen?


A: Tricera-cops !

Q: Where do prehistoric reptiles like to go on holiday?


A: To the dino-shore !

Q: Where did Velociraptor buy things?


A: At a dino-store!


Q: How do dinosaurs pay their bills?


A: With Tyrannosaurus checks !


Q: Why did the Apatosaurus devour the factory?


A: Because she was a plant eater!


Q: What is an Iguanodon's favorite playground toy?


A: A dino-see-saur !


Q: What's worse than a giraffe with a sore throat?


A: A Diplodocus with a sore throat!


Q: How much fur can you get from a dinosaur ?


A: As fur as you can get!


Q: Why do dinosaurs eat raw meat?


A: Because they don't know how to cook !


Tell me more jokes!