Repair Windspeeder

"Go ahead with the repairs, Bart, but be as quick about it as you can. We simply can't afford to lose Windspeeder's cargo -- and keep a sharp eye out for pirates!"

On the evening of the third day your first mate, Andrew, comes up to you with his spyglass. Pointing to a small island off the port bow he says, "Take a look over yonder, Captain."

Raising the glass to your eye you can just make out what looks like a small fire. "Could be pirates," you think. You turn to Andrew and say, "Take three men in a long boat and investigate, but be careful, don't get so close that they can see you."






Three hours later Andrew reports back. "Captain, we just couldn't tell without getting closer, we could see a ship anchored in a small cove, though."

"If it is pirates," you think, "we're sitting ducks out here with a crippled ship. On the other hand, we just might be able to surprise them and those twenty pound cannons on Windspeeder could come in pretty handy." You wonder should you. . .

investigate, but leave Windspeeder with a skeleton crew,

investigate towing Windspeeder, or raise anchor and try to make port?