
abandon - leave, get off

ablaze - on fire

anchorage - a safe place to stop and put down the anchor

arch - greatest or biggest or main

assault - attack

barrage - burst of gunfire and cannon fire

beady - small and hard, like a bead

behead - to cut off someone's head

belching - burping, coming out in big gusts

blackguard - a villain, or very bad person

blaze - a huge fire

bloodshot - red and looking like blood

board - to climb on board a ship

bonus - an extra reward

booty - another word for treasure

brigands - another name for pirates

broadside - this is where all the cannons on one side of a ship fire at once

captives - people who have been caught by the enemy

cleaving - cutting with a sword

clench - push your teeth hard together

commandeer - to take control of

cove - a small bay or beach

crippled - damaged, and unable to move

crow's nest - a small platform at the top of the mast, where sailors can see a long way over the water

debris - bits and pieces that have broken off

destination - the place that you are going

disabled - injured or damaged, unable to move properly

distinguish - be able to see clearly

eternity - for ever and ever

extinguish - to put out (like a fire)

fending off - pushing away

feverishly - in a big hurry

fleeing - running away

fleet - a group of ships sailing together

frenzy - a mad mess where everyone is rushing around

heaving to - to turn into the wind and stop in the water

henchmen - crew or gang

hesitate - wait just a little bit

hewing - cutting with a sword, slashing

hinder - the opposite of help. To make it hard

hoist - to lift up (eg sails or anchor)

horizon - where the sea meets the sky, way in the distance

hull - the main body of the boat, the wooden part that sits in the water

humiliated - shamed

identify - recognize, know who it is

imposing - very big and important looking

inflicted - caused or made

inhabitants - people who live there

investigate - see what you can find out

listing - leaning over to one side

lob - a big high throw, like a high overarm throw

lunge - rush at

lure - make you want to come, trick you into coming

maneuver - move around

obscures - hides, makes it hard to see

piecemeal - bit by bit, one piece after another

plummets - comes whizzing down really fast

powder magazine - a place on the ship where they store the gunpowder

profitable - making you a lot of money

provisions - food and water, or supplies

pursuit, pursuing - chase or follow, chasing or following

quenching - putting out the fire

rabble - a crowd of noisy people

rasping - making a rough, scratchy sound

recreation - playing round and doing things for fun

relaxation - lying about doing nothing

remnants - bits and pieces left over

reputation - what people know about that person

resounding - making a loud noise that echoes

retire - go to bed

retrieve - get back

rigging - the masts and ropes and sails on a sailing ship

rumour, rumoured - something people talk about, but they don't know if it is true

scum - a rude word meaning terrible people

scurry, scurrying - rushing round being busy

scuttle - rush quickly like an insect

sears - cuts through by burning

seaworthy - in good shape, ready to go to sea

severely - very badly

shank - the long straight part

shudder - shiver or shake

slaughter - lots of people being killed or hurt

smirk - a horrible smile where someone is being smart

splinter, splintering - a tiny little piece, breaking into tiny little pieces

starboard - the right side of the ship, when you are looking towards the bow

striking - taking down the sails

subsiding - getting less

surrender - give up

surveying - looking round

taken its toll - tired you out

tarry - wait

thrust - push (with your sword)

tow - to pull along behind you

valuable - worth a lot of money

vastly - a lot, hugely, very

victim - a person who gets hurt by a horrible bully

voyage - a trip

yonder - an old word that means over there