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Dinosaur Jokes!

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Q: Did the dinosaur take a bath ?


A: Why, is there one missing?

Q: What is in the middle of dinosaurs ?


A: The letter "s"!


Q: Where do dinosaurs get their mail ?


A: At the dead-letter office!


Q: What's as big as a dinosaur but weighs nothing?


A: Her shadow!


Q: What do you get when a dinosaur sneezes?


A: Out of the way!


Q: How do you know if there's a dinosaur in your refrigerator ?


A: Look for footprints in the pizza !


Q: What happened when the dinosaur took the train home?


A: She had to bring it back!


Mitchell: Why did the Triceratops cross the road ?


Robert: He didn't, the chicken crossed the road .


Mitchell: Well, why did the chicken cross the road ?


Robert: To get away from the Triceratops !


Q: How do you know if there's a dinosaur under your bed ?


A: Your nose hits the ceiling!


Q: Why was the dinosaur afraid of the ocean ?


A: Because there was something fishy about it!


Q: What do you call a Stegoceras with one leg?


A: Eileen (I lean)!


Mother: Why are you crying?


Daughter: Because I wanted to get a dinosaur for my baby brother .


Mother: That's no reason to cry.


Daughter: Yes it is! No one would swap with me!

That's all, folks!