Next stop is the Mail Service Centre in the area you've addressed your letter to. The bags and containers are emptied and the mail is sorted into slots with names of towns, suburbs and rural delivery runs on them. Now the posties take over, sorting the mail for their runs into the order they deliver it - by street name and house numbers. Most Posties deliver every day except Sundays and most of them walk or use bicycles on their runs. If your letter was sent to a place in the country it will probably be delivered by a Rural Deliverey Contractor. These people collect and deliver mail to boxes on the roadside near rural homes. In towns, most businesses have a private box at their local Post Shop or Mail Service Centre. Each box is numbered and has it's own key. Mail addressed to the boxes is delivered straight into them by sorters. In most cases business people can collect their mail 24 hours a day, seven days a week.