How many foreigners live in Japan? How many Japanese live abroad?
The foreign population in Japan has been growing steadily over the past several years. At the end of 1996 there were 1.41 million registered foreign residents, with 46.4% being citizens of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea, 16.5% of China, and 14.2% of Brazil.

The number of Japanese living in other countries was 763,977 as of October 1996. The largest percentage lived in the United States (35.8%), followed by Brazil (11.6%) and Britain (7.2%).

Number of Foreign Residents in Japan by Nationality,
December 1996
NumberShare (%)
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
and Republic of Korea
657,159 46.4
China 234,264 16.5
Brazil 201,795 14.2
Philippines 84,509 5.9
United States 44,168 3.1
Peru 37,099 2.6
Thailand 18,187 1.2
Other 137,955 9.7
Total 1,415,136 100.0

Source: Ministry of Justice.

Number of Japanese Living Abroad, October 1996
NumberShare (%)
United States 273,779 35.8
Brazil 89,005 11.6
Britain 55,372 7.2
Canada 26,545 3.4
Germany 24,117 3.2
Australia 25,688 3.4
Singapore 25,355 3.3
Other 244,116 31.9
Total 763,977 100.0

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.