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Reference Images.

ArtRage lets you load in an image to use as a painting reference. Unlike Tracing Images, References are ‘pinned’ to your canvas so that you can glance at them for reference rather than tracing directly. Reference Images are great when you’re trying to recreate something but don’t want to trace. You can have as many as you like and sit them wherever you want to glance at.

To load a Reference Image, select the Open a Reference Image option from the Tools Menu. A file picker appears and allows you to select an image. When the image opens, it appears on your canvas with a pin.

To move the Reference Image, click and drag inside the pin head, or in the centre of the image itself. To scale the Reference Image, click and drag in one of the corners of the image. To rotate the Reference Image, click and drag in one of the edges of the image. The cursor will update as your mouse pointer passes over the Reference Image to indicate what would happen if you clicked and dragged there.

Right clicking a reference image or its pin head brings up the Reference Menu:

Tip: Want to sample color from your reference? With the Sampler Tool selected you can click inside the reference and that color will be selected. Alternatively, hold down Alt and click inside the image to sample from it!

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