Make a wind vane


paper and pencil
plastic soft drink bottle
plastic drinking straw
shallow pan filled with rocks
felt marking pen


With the scissors, carefully cut an arrow with a tab from the cardboard, as shown. Bend the tab slightly so the arrow turns easily when you put it in one end of the straw. Put the other end of the straw in the bottle. Remove enough rocks from the pan to make room for the bottle. Pile the rocks back around the bottle so it won't be blown over.

A compass always point north. Use your compass to find north, and then mark the four sides of the bottle E, W, N, and S with a felt pen.

Set your weather vane in a high place such as the top of a playhouse or a slide. Make sure it does not wobble or tilt, and that it catches the slightest breeze.

Watch your weather vane closely and then describe how it works. Test it on windy days and again when there is just a light breeze..

A weather vane is also called a wind vane. It is a tool for measuring wind direction. It spins on a rod and points in the direction from which the wind comes.

The weather vane is one of the oldest weather tools. The part of the vane that turns into the wind is usually shaped like an arrow. The other end is wide so it will catch the smallest breeze. The breeze turns the arrow until it catches both sides of the wide end equally. The arrow always points into the wind.The arrow tells you the direction from which the wind is coming.

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