Structure of earth

The Earth is not solid all the way through like an apple but has layers which are solid and others which are really quite runny.


Imagine a bowl of hot custard with a thick skin on top (yuk!). We live on top of the skin, known as the crust, but beneath our feet it's hot and gooey. The skin is really thick in most places (30 to 50 Km) and most of us never get to see the custard but in some places the skin is very thin.

The temperature in the core is about 3000 degrees Centrigrade! That is HOT!

In fact the crust of the Earth is made up of several large "skins" , (like jigsaw pieces) and it's at the place where the edges meet that there is most likely to be a hole that lets the custard through. Of course it's not really custard - it's liquid rock, known as magma.



The magma under the Earths crust is so hot (more than 1000 degrees Celcius) that pressure builds up, seeks out a weak spot, and bursts out. This eruption can be quite slow like a simmering pot of water (a shield volcano) or can be fast and explosive like a pressure cooker with a jammed relief valve (an andesite volcano).