Types of Volcanoes


Volcanoes that are constantly bubbling and steaming with magma are called active volcanones. Beware! This means they can erupt at any time.

Picture of White Island
in New Zealand

Picture of Mount St Helens
in North America

A volcano that has not erupted for some time s callaed a dormant volcano. A dormant volcano is only sleeping and can erupt suddenly without warning. Mount Vesuvius erupted after 600 years of silence.

An extinct volcano is one that has not erupted for thousand years. If an eruption is very violent it can empty all of the magma out of the cone. The walls of extinct volcanoes can collapse into the empty magma chamber, forming a huge crater called a caldera. Rainfall and melting snow can collect in acaldera, making a new lake.

 Picture of Crater Lake
in North America

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