The Diamond Story - part 2

The last known time when diamonds came to the surface was about 40 million years ago in East Africa. The youngest diamonds known are 1 million years old and many are over 3 million years old!

Noone knows how much carbon has been turned to diamond deep down in the center of the earth, but we know that only a very small percent of it was lucky enough to be brought up by a volcanic eruption. The small amount that is brought up is in little pieces, and each piece has approximately 5 tons of dirt & rock around it. All volcanic eruptions do not bring up diamonds, as only 1 % of all the volcanic eruptions are actually found to be economical for producing diamonds.

An old volcano which contains kimberlite , and therefore might contain diamonds, costs $400 million to set up. The diamond mine will last about 20 years, and employ about 750 people. These workers will treat about 3.3 million tons of dirt, and should find about 4 million carats of diamonds a year.