‘BOBO‘Ы+ДHRHHHHHH Ы+,џџHЫ,hЫ1œџџџ-Zџџџ Maria Heron„fџџBLOM!`U„џџџx HH @џьџљ4K+xоhh  @d' џœџн w џџЫ]Р†ZP/РVQЫ+ Ы*шЫ+VЫŠЪMф Ы+4Дџџџџџџџџ* QoDSETTrr)Ы,ЬЫ+фЫ+€Ы+иТИЩ#P.H-VWlТmўџ !"DWpЇЈЧШ2bГДЬЭ>?Yžи*\‚Ю, э - р W t j  l    t    k  p ќ  џ t " Ј t Ш Д t Э ? t W  Y œ  ž q  r  :Ы,м:9Щ#@:Science/Language/Maths for the Junior School Developing The Concept of Event Duration Thinking About Time Ѕ What do we do that takes a lot of time? What do we do that only takes a short time? Ѕ How do we know the difference between a short and a long time? Measuring Time 1. Introduce the idea that we can measure how long something takes by using a clock. 2. Tell the children that we are going to make some дvery differentе clocks and then use them for measuring how long that some things can take. Clock 1 а The Plastic Bowl Clock weight the bowl with small stones water in ther bowl small hole in the bottom Time is measured by how long it takes the bowl to sink Clock 2а The Milk Carton Clock Small hole near the base of the carton. Fill with water andmeasure time by waiting till it empties. Have children9 experiment with different sized holes. What do they notice about the time it takes to empty with different sized holes? Clock 3а The Sand Clock Glue two jar lids together. Punch a hole through both lids with a nail. Screw on jars with sand in the top jar. Using Our Special Clocks Have children compete against the clocks to find out the following: - how many times can I write my name on a piece of paper? - how many times can I jump up and down? - how many blocks can I put in a basket? - how many times can I run across the playground? - how many times can I catch a ball? Challenge children to come up with other дclockе activities and challenges. Use the interest developed in clocks to make a large wall chart of pictures drawn by the childen to show important times of the day. Put on to a large clock shape. ZџџNТDSET‚џџ.HџџџџџџЫ*фТИ№ИТџџ6џџ*№DSET‚џџ.HџџџџџџЫ*є№ИТџџ6џџ*№DSUM$ Maria HeronHDNISTYL ~єџџDSTYLЫ,ŒЫ+ŒЫ+|Ы,фЫ-Ы,œЫ+„Ы,Ф џџџџKџџ џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ џџџџCџџ џџџџџџ џџџџџџ џџџџџџџџџџBџџ џџџџџџ џџџџџџџџ џџџџџџџџ џџџџџџџџ џџ џџџџџџ џџ џџџџџџџџ џџ^ џџHASHŒ $ксДоу(  ( ›,  ,  ,  ( L: QhЙбкj­зazЋсo}Bod џџ CHARЫ,Шџџџџ џџ џџџњ џџџыџџ"џп џџџћ џџ€џџџџ эџџџџ рџџџџ tџџџџ џџџџ R џџHASH„   t( р(э( Rџџ CELLЫ,„Aџџџџџ џџџ"џџHASHџ jџџ GRPHЫ,рџџџџџ џџџ"џџHASHЦџџl RULRЫ+Шџџџџџ џџџ§@џџ(џџHASHџџ@§.џџLKUP  џџ$NAMEDefault Default SSHeaderBodyFooterFootnoteFootnote IndexdDFNTM HelveticaGenevaџџGeneva#VerdanaTimesMCROMCROoBlNoBlNBBARBBARџџMARKMRKSџџ MOBJWMBTETBLXDSUM“HDNIПSTYLЩMCROOoBlN_BBARoMARKWMBTЅETBLБџў§ќћњљј№ёђѓєѕії