‘BOBO‘pОьHRHHHHHH p`@џџHpeџџpПџџџ-Zџџџ Maria Heron„fџџBLOM!`Tшџџџx HH @џьџљ4K+xоhh  @d' џœџн w џџpz`†ZP/РQяp`,paHpa@Qp~Рo p`H4Дџџџџџџџџ*QgDSETTCDpОдp`lpaœpОиТИpaL# р>?ЂЃ‰ŠРСKLћќOP}~ЧШBCD  pa˜DpcxBig ideas from the making sense of planet earth and beyond. In space there are many celestial bodies including planets, comets, meteors,stars and black holes. A galaxy is a gigantic system of billions of celestial bodies held together by each others gravity. Gravity is the force mutual attraction between masses. gravity increases with greater mass and decreases with greater distance. THe sun is a star in a galaxy known as the milky way. The sun is orbiting the centre of the milky way as the galaxy itDself is spinning in space. The sun is at the centre of our solar system, The earth is one of nine other planets which are orbiting our sun. The conditions on each planet are determined in part by their position in the solar system and their size. Celestial bodies affect each other and in some cases cause environmental patterns. Our day and night are caused by earths spin. Our seasons are caused by the earths tilt and its orbit around the sun,\ By using the naked eye, binoculars, telescopes, and star charts we can identify features objects and patterns in the sky. ZџџNТDSET‚џџ.H*.*џџџџџџpaPТИ–ИТџџ6џџ*–DSET‚џџ.H##џџџџџџp`P–ИТџџ6џџ*–DSUM$ Maria HeronHDNISTYLДh џџDSTYLpe pepdРpОфpОШpО№pОшpОР џџџџ& џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ џџџџ џџџџ џџџџ џџџџџџџџ џџџџџџ џџџџF џџHASHŒ $ксДоу(( L: QhЙбкj­зazЋсo}BodЪ  CHARpe Пџџџџ џџ џџџњ џџџыџџ"џп џџџћ џџ€џџџџџџџћџџџџ:џџHASH„  Rџџ CELLpОєџџџџџџџџ"џџHASHџ jџџ GRPHpe$џџџџџџџџ"џџHASHЦџџl RULRpaŒџџџџџџџџ§@џџ(џџHASHџџ@§( LKUP џџ  џџ$NAMEDefault Default SSHeaderBodyFooterFootnoteFootnote Index˜џџDFNTM HelveticaGenevaMCROMCROoBlNoBlNBBARBBARџџMARKMRKSџџ MOBJWMBTETBLXDSUM нHDNI STYL MCROЯoBlNпBBARяMARKџWMBT%ETBL1џў§ќћњљј№ёђѓєѕії