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Spacecraft Cassini Quiz

First of all, look at the site, Spacecraft Cassini is going to Saturn. Then answer this quiz by choosing the right answer from the list in each question. When you have finished, mark your own work.
(requires Netscape Communicator to calculate answers correctly, not Navigator)

  1. What nationality was Galileo?


  2. What technology had to be invented before we could see Saturn's rings?


  3. Who was the first to discover the rings were made of tiny particles and moons?


  4. What planet did Cassini and Huygens both study closely


  5. How long ago were they studying this planet?


  6. What space vessel first saw the spokes in Saturn's rings?


  7. How many moons does Saturn have?


  8. What is the name of the kind of moon that keeps a planet's rings in shape?


  9. The main moon that Cassini will be studying is ....


10. What year will spacecraft Cassini arrive at Saturn?


Click the button below marked "Finish" to show your score. When you look back at your answers, any question with a tick is right, and a blank means wrong. Try again, and see if you can get them all right!



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