Science Lessons for Teachers - printable

How far is it to Saturn?

Practical activities to demonstrate the distances in our solar system, and getting students to predict the location of planets relative to the sun.


When the Sky is Falling...

Impact cratering has shaped planetary surfaces and life on Earth. Students will explore the cratering process and understand the relationship between the projectile, the energy it delivers, and the landform it creates.


Monitoring the Sun's Corona

Students will learn how spacecraft use the relative positions of the Sun, Earth, and a spacecraft to study the Sun's outer region, called the corona.


Which Way Should I Point?

Cassini is carrying 12 science instruments to Saturn. All 12 of these instruments are "body fixed" which means that in order to point one instrument at Saturn, the entire spacecraft must be turned. Practical way to show problems of this design.


Planetary Billiards

This activity illustrates how the force of gravity is used to modify the trajectory of a spacecraft.

Unveiling Titan's Surface

Students make measurements of topographic features and draw maps based on these data.

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