the Conductors and Insulators
Print this page out and follow the directions to build
your own circuit. Click on the 'Back' button to go back to Electrical
Safety World.
A conductor is a material that electricity can flow through easily. An
insulator is a material that electricity cannot flow through easily. Just
as a pot holder insulates you from heat, electrical insulators slow down
or resist the flow of electricity.
Ask an adult to help you with this experiment.
toothpick (wood)
dry dirt |
paper clip (steel)
hose (air)
leather |
rubber band
can (tin)
paper |
Make your prediction. From the following list, circle one item that
you think will conduct electricity well. Underline one item that you
think will be a good insulator (will not conduct electricity). Then
put a square around the one that you’re not sure is a good conductor
- Materials. You will need one D-cell battery and a holiday
minilight to test the items you chose from the list.
- Test your choices. Try to connect the battery and bulb with each
material you picked. Use a separate sheet of paper to record what happens
in each trial.
- Draw your setup and write the results on the page. Post your results
where everyone can see.

Cut one socket with its bulb from a string of
holiday lights. Leave several inches of wire on each side extending
from the socket. Strip each end of the wire. Hold one wire to
each end of the battery to light the bulb. |
Compare your results with your original prediction. Then compare with
other groups. Were the results the same? If not, what might have happened
to make the results different?