Which is the best heat
- 4 cups of approximately same
size and shape (one metal, one glass, one plastic, one
- hot water
- icecream container
- measuring jug
- 4 thermometers
Place the 4 cups inside the
icecream container to catch any spills.
Carefully pour an equal amount of
hot water into each cup.
Use the thermometer to check that
the water in each cup is at the same temeprature.
At 2 minute intervals, record the
exact temperature of the water in each cup.
- Which cup keeps the water hot
for longest? (In other words, which is the best insulator of
- Which cup would be the best
for keeping a hot drink hot?
- Which cup would be the best
for keeping a cold drink cold?
- Were your answers to the last
two questions the same? If so, why?