Raisins in lemonade

This activity allows the children to make predictions about what will happen, and then to revise their ideas when something unexpected occurs. They can then discuss reasons why.

Materials needed


handful of dried raisins


1 clear glass or plastic cup


lemonade or soda water


something smooth (like jellybeans)


1. Take your glass or cup and fill it about 2/3 full of the lemonade.

2. Ask children to predict what will happen when raisins are dropped in. Will they float or sink?

3. Drop in a few raisins. What happens? Wait a while - does anything else happen?

4. Did it happen as predicted? What might cause this?

(Careful observation will see that the bubbles in the drink carry the raisins to the surface, where the bubbles pop into the air, allowing the raisins to sink down again.)


Further investigation

1. Discuss what you think would happen if you put the jellybeans in the glass. (Hypothesis)

2. Try it. (Experiment)

3. Record your observations (with words, or with pictures or diagrams). (Observations)

4. What happened? Why do you think that happened? (Conclusions)