Using a hot plate or other device, heat 500 ml of
water to 50 degrees C.
2. While the water is heating,
make a hole in the cup lids so that you can put a
thermometer in the cup and still read it without
removing it from the water. (Why is this
3. Place one cup inside another
cup so you have a double insulated cup (Cup 2).
Repeat the process and construct a triple insulated
cup (Cup 3). Cup one is just that--one
4. Carefully measure and add 150
ml of the HOT water to each set-up. Put the lids on
the cups and carefully slide the thermometers into
the hot water.
5. Wait one minute, then record
the temperature in each set of cups. Record the
data in your laboratory notebook. You might want to
use a table.
6. Continue recording data every
five minutes for 20 minutes or until the water
temperature is about equal to air
7. Calculate and record the
change in temperature for each set-up.