- Ignore the bully. Pretend you
didn't hear him. Don't even look at him. Walk right past
him if you can.
- Don't cry, get angry, or show
that you're upset. That's the bully's goal. Don't give
her the satisfaction. Even if you're feeling really hurt,
don't let it show. You can talk about or write down your
reactions later.
- Respond to the bully evenly and
firmly. Example: "No." "That's what you think."
- If you can, turn a comment into
a joke. Example: The bully says, "You look stupid" You
say: "Thanks! I'm glad you noticed."
- Turn and walk away, or run if
you have to. Remove yourself from the situation. Go to a
place where an adult is present.
- If you're being called names or
teased, try "The Fog Tank." Imagine that you're inside a
huge fish tank filled with white fog. Then, imagine that
the insults are swallowed up by the fog before they reach
you. Nothing touches you. Practise by thinking of the
worst things a bully can say to you, then letting the fog
eat them up.
- If you're being bullied again
and again, there's one "Most Important Thing" you should
do: Talk to an adult. This is so important, we'll say it
Talk to an