Andrew Says:
" Playgrounds with soft surfaces under the equipment are safest. Soft surfaces are sand, pea gravel, wood chips, and rubber. Do not use playground equipment that is over a hard surface. Hard surfaces are blacktop, cement, dirt, and grass".

Things to Remember!

Blacktop, cement, dirt and grass are not safe!

Playgrounds should have a soft surface, such as wood chips, shredded rubber, pea gravel, sand, and poured-in-place surfacing.

Test Your Knowledge!

1. Is this a safe surface?

2. Is this a safe surface?

3. Is this a safe surface?

4. Is this a safe surface?

5. Is this a safe surface?

6. Is this a safe surface?

7. Is this a safe surface?

8. Is this a safe surface?

9. Is this a safe surface?

Need to check your answers? Here is our Answer Sheet

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National Program for Playground Safety.