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Island Odyssey with field trip locations marked on NZ map

Why Islands?

Islands are our most treasured locations for endangered species.

The Learnz2001 programme will visit a range of offshore islands, 'mainland islands' and with DoC, learn about reptiles, birds and special habitats.

It is hoped that some Learnz2001 schools will adopt a local island (area) to study.

The 'Island Odyssey' theme will be reinforced by two Virtual Field Trips. The field trips will focus on different islands to provide two exciting and quite different programmes, in weeks 3-5 of terms two and four.


The 3 field trip locations for learnz2001: Image - Heurisko Ltd



Who is targeted?

LEARNZ2001 will target teachers of years 4-10 and support the curriculum areas of science, social studies, technology, maths and language.


Other benefits

'Island Odyssey', like previous Learnz programmes, has special significance as a professional development opportunity for teachers in modelling the integration of ICT into the learning process.

Learnz uses web technologies, email and audioconferencing embedded in a rich curriculum of real life experiences.

The support that teachers receive in establishing their own teaching programme using Learnz2001, provides an ideal opportunity to experiment and gain confidence in using the ICT.




The LEARNZ programme is delivered by:
Heurisko Ltd
5 Durham St, Box 8577,
Christchurch, New Zealand
Ph: +64 3 353-7360 Fax: +64 3 366-5488