Activity T23: Options and Outcomes

Tiritiri Matangi Activity

Small map of Tiritiri Matangi - Click for LEARNZ Tiritiri Matangi homepage. Image: Heurisko Ltd

Teacher Manual P 46

Social Studies Level 2

Social Organistaion

Created 21/09/2001

AO1 - Students will demonstrate knowledge and understandings of how and why groups are organised within communities and societies

AO2 - How participation within groups involves both responsibilities and rights

Process : Social Decision Making

SLO - Students will be able to suggest options and list outcomes for the Supporters of Tiritiri Matangi in the restoration process of the island.

Read Supporters of Tiritiri Matangi, Visitors, Island Sanctuary and Restoration.

  1. Name at least three groups of people who live or visit Tiritiri Matangi.

  2. What are the main activities of the people you've listed above on Tiritiri Matangi.

  3. List the rights and responsibilities of people when they are

    1. visiting the island to look at the bird life



    2. helping to build the boardwalks and tracks



    3. staying on the island to research hihi life cycles



  4. Dog owners have special responsibilities when bringing their boats to Tiritiri Matangi. What do you think these might be and why?

Great Barrier Island | Tiritiri Matangi

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