Activity T5: Which Bird is the Kokako?

Tiritiri Matangi Activity

Small map of Tiritiri Matangi - Click for LEARNZ Tiritiri Matangi homepage. Image: Heurisko Ltd

Teacher Manual P 30

Science Level 4

Making Sense of the Living World

Created 21/09/2001

AO3 - Students can investigate and classify closely related living things on the basis of easily observable features.

SLO - Students will be able to classify kokako by their appearance.

Read Kokako facts and Kokako pics.

  1. Insert the correct word describing North Island kokako.

    Kokako have _________________________ feathers. The feathers around their eyes are __________________ . Their blue wattles are located __________________. Another species belonging to the wattle bird family found on Tiritiri Matangi are the _____________________. Kokako use their distinctive call to __________________ and _____________.

  2. Use the clues above to sketch and correctly colour a north island kokako.

    North Island Kokako

  3. The beak, legs and feet of the kokako have a number of uses as it feeds and moves through the forest. Describe these in 3 or 4 sentences.

Great Barrier Island | Tiritiri Matangi

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