Activity T2: Plants and Animals

Tiritiri Matangi Activity

Small map of Tiritiri Matangi - Click for LEARNZ Tiritiri Matangi homepage. Image: Heurisko Ltd

Teacher Manual P 26

Science Level 2

Making Sense of the Living World

Created 21/09/2001

AO4 - Students can investigate the responses of plants or animals to environmental changes in their habitats

SLO - Students will be able to talk about the changes in vegetation and animals on Tiritiri Matangi.

Read Island Sanctuary, Restoration and Birds of Tiritiri Matangi.

  1. How landuse affected the island.

    1. In the past what did lighthouse keepers and farmers use the island for?

    2. What happened to many of the native plants and animals during this time?

  2. Since the Department of Conservation took over control of Tiritiri Matangi, what has happened to the



    native birds


  3. Describe some of the birds that have been introduced on to the island.


    North Island robins


Great Barrier Island | Tiritiri Matangi

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