Activity T1: Hihi Life History

Tiritiri Matangi Activity

Small map of Tiritiri Matangi - Click for LEARNZ Tiritiri Matangi homepage. Image: Heurisko Ltd

Teacher Manual P 26

Science Level 2

Making Sense of the Living World

Created 21/09/2001

AO3 - Students can investigate and understand the changes that take place in animals and plants during their life cycles.

SLO - Students will be able to look into the life cycle of a hihi describing its stages of development.

Read Hihi facts and Hihi pics.

  1. Like all birds, hihi lay eggs to breed. Describe the following features of hihi breeding

    nest site

    colour of eggs

    number of eggs laid in 1 breeding attempt

  2. These words describe the various stages of bird development.

    eggs (embryos)
    adults (birds able to fly and fend for themselves)
    juveniles (young birds able to fly, not fully developed)
    chicks (birds just hatched from eggs)
    fledglings (young birds left the nest and learning to fly)

    Order the list to describe hihi life stages starting from eggs.






  3. Juvenile hihi of both sexes have the same colouring as the female bird. Draw and describe the colouring and markings of female and juvenile birds.

    sketch of female / juvenile hihi

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