1. Fold a paper towel so that it fits into the sealable plastic
2. Carefully place a row of seeds across the top of the paper
towel. Place a piece of string or thread over the top of the
seeds. Attach the seeds to the towel by stapling the string so that
there is a staple on each side of the seeds to hold
them in place (don't staple the seeds).
3. Dip the paper towel in a shallow bowl or tray of water so that it is saturated. Place the paper towel inside the plastic bag.
4. Seal the bag and hang it.
Name(s) _____________________________________________________
Type of Seeds Used ____________________________________________
Date & Time Experiment Began __________________________________
Average Classroom Temperature _______ day _______ night
Type of light: Sunlight _______ Artificial light _______ No Light _______
# Hours/day plants exposed to light _______________________________