Image Information and
- All sketches and paintings are by Leonardo da Vinci unless
otherwise specified.
- The images on this web site have been reproduced with the kind
permission of the various sources listed below.
- The images may not be reproduced electronically or otherwise
without the express written permission of the original
- Home page:
The following images are from the Planet Art royalty free CD ROM:
Leonardo da Vinci: Selected Works:
Mona Lisa (detail), 1503 and 1506, Paris, Musee du
Study of Cat Movements and Positions (details), Windsor Castle,
The Royal Library
Virgin of the Rocks (detail), 1503-1506, London,
National Gallery
The following images are from Museum of Science photographs from
the exhibit Leonardo da Vinci: Scientist, Inventor, Artist:
Model of variable-speed gears, after a sketch from 1480 Anatomical
studies,Windsor Castle, Royal Library
Dressed Up Angel, The Alos Foundation,
*Sketch of a machine gun, Codex Atlanticus, folio 56, recto
Leonardo: Right to Left
Example of mirror writing from Manuscript B, folio 83, verso
reproduced by permission of Corbis Corporation
*Leonardo's signature and hand sketch from the Codex Atlanticus
folio 283, verso-b
Leonardo's Perspective
Star of Bethlehem (plant sketch) from the Planet Art CD ROM:
Leonardo da Vinci: Selected Works
Madonna of the Carnation (detail), Munich,
Pinakothek, and Annunciation , 1472-1475, Florence,
Uffizi, reproduced by permission of Corbis Corporation
Etienne Chevalier and Saint Stephen, by Jean Fouquet,
1450 reproduced by permission of Carol Gerten-Jackson's Fine Arts
web page
Painting in the Middle Ages Before the
Maestra, by Cimabue, 1240, and
Virgin and Child with Angels, from the Wilton
Diptych, by an unknown French artist, 1395, reproduced with
permission from Carol Gerten-Jackson's Fine Arts web page
Looking Through Leonardo's Eyes
Photographs by Zabeth Billingham
Classroom Activity: Using Leonardo's Window
Photographs by Justin Miel
Thanks to the kids who tested this activity at the Hosmer school:
Laura, Michael, Meredith, George, Amy and Kurt.
Exploring Linear Perspective
These images were reproduced by permission of Corbis
Annunciation, 1472-1475, Florence, Uffizi,
Study for Adoration of the Magi, The Louvre,
Director program by Azriel Shiloh.
Playing Around with Size and Distance
Original computer graphic and director program by Azriel
Classroom Activity: How Far? How Small?
Photographs by Justin Miel
Thanks to the kids who tested this activity at the Hosmer School:
Laura, Michael, Meredith, George, Amy and Kurt
Investigating Aerial Perspective
Original computer graphic scene and director program by Azriel
Virgin of the Rocks, 1503-1506, London, National
Gallery. Reproduced from the royalty free Planet Art CD ROM
Leonardo da Vinci: Selected Works
The Inventor's Workshop
Design for Spinning Machine, Museum of Science exhibit
*Archimedean Screws and Waterwheel, Codex Atlanticus, Folio 7
Visions of the Future
Parachute drawing reproduced by permission of the Victoriaville
Skydiving School, Victoriaville, Quebec
Sketch of Parachute, Codex Atlanticus, folio 381, verso, Museum of
Science exhibit photograph
Helicopter, U.S. Navy photograph
Sketch of Helical Screw Flying Machine, Manuscript B, folio 83,
verso. Reproduced with permission from Corbis Corporation
M605A Tank, Reproduced from the Corel Gallery CD ROM
*Sketch of Armored Vehicle, Manuscript B, folio 59, recto. Museum
of Science exhibit photograph
U.S. Navy A-6E Intruder Aircraft , photograph by Tom Houser
*Sketch of Retractable Landing Gear, Manuscript B, folio 89,
SCUBA Diver, U.S. Navy photograph by Mark Reinhard
*Sketch of Diving Suit, Codex Atlanticus, folio 333, verso
Inventor's Toolbox
Photographs by Eric Workman
Gadget Anatomy
Photographs by Zabeth Billingham
Except: Corkscrew Photograph courtesy of 
Leonardo's Mysterious Machinery
The images on this page will rotate.
Sources will include:
Corbis Corporation
Museum of Science exhibits photographs
Planet Art CD ROM, Leonardo da Vinci, Selected Works
*Other sources
* Images for which permission is pending.