Travel through Europe

Countries of Europe
Information about Spain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Italy. Customs, everyday life, famous places, things to do ...

The Almanac
Facts and figures about New Zealand and these countries in Europe.

Euro 2000
The big soccer tournament held between different classes in the Middle School in 2000. Each class represented a different country.

Flags and Signals
Look at the flags for many different countries round the world.

Getting Ready
How Miss Baillie got ready for her trip when she went to Europe in 2000. Her itinerary, her packing, and her preparation. Brief information about the places she planned to visit.

Postcards from Miss Baillie
Read the emails Miss Baillie sent back to her class while she was away, and look at the photos she took of her holiday.

Speak the Language
Simple words and phrases in common European languages.

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