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Name of Dinosaur


How to say it

SEEL - oh - FY - sis

What the name means

Hollow form

Who named it

Dr E. Cope, palaeontologist

When discovered


What period of time

Triassic period

How long

3 metres

How tall

about 1 metre



Where found

North America

What it looked like
Coelophysis was a small, lightly-built dinosaur that walked on two long legs. It had light, hollow bones and a long, pointed head with dozens of small, serrated teeth. It had three clawed fingers on its hands, and a long neck. It would have been shorter than a person, reaching about chest height.


What it ate
It was a meat eater, and preyed on other animals. It may also have been a scavenger, meaning it ate dead bodies of other animals that it found lying around. In the stomach of fossils, scientist have found small reptiles, and fish. They have even found other Coelophysis bones, which suggests that they were cannibals, and ate each other.


How it moved around
They could move very fast, running along on their two back legs, with big strides nearly a metre long.


How it probably behaved
They probably lived and hunted in packs, as large numbers of bones have been found together. They lived in dry desert-like conditions.


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