Can you pass the spy test?



Quiz for Spies

Quiz for Spies

Answer this quiz by choosing the right answer from the list in each question. When you have finished, mark your own work.

  1. What was the name of the secret section that trained spies to go into Europe?


  2. If you typed "a" into the Enigma machine, it would come out as ...


  3. What was the name of the code that Hitler used?


  4. The Romans used codes so that


  5. Using Augustus Caesar's code, 'dmfufs' means


  6. To encrypt means


  7. The name of the computer built to decipher German code was


  8. Why did the Polish mathematicians give their findings to the British and Americans?


  9. Why didn't anyone know about the computer that was built at Blechley Park?


10. The first computer ever to be built and work properly was in


Click the button below marked "Finish" to show your score. When you look back at your answers, a tick is right, and a blank means it was wrong. Try again, and see if you can get them all right!


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