The ghosts at Hogwarts

Below are the main Ghosts that inhabit Hogwarts:




Nearly Headless Nick

Nearly headless Nick is a friend of Harry's. He got him out of a tough situation with the Janitor, Filch. Harry, Ron, and Hermione skipped the Halloween feast to go to his deathday party. Nick wants to be part of a Headless clan of entertainers, but they won't have him because he is only nearly headless.

Moaning Myrtle

Moaning Myrtle is always upset and almost always crying. She may have a small crush on Harry. She haunts the girl's bathroom, and guards the gateway to the Chamber of Secrets. As it turns out, she was the girl that was killed by the Chamber's Monster, whose master is Lord Voldermort.

The Bloody Baron

The Bloody Baron is a huge, awful ghost. He is mean and mysterious. No one knows how he died, and everyone is afraid of him.

The Fat Friar

We know little about the Fat Friar ghost, besides that he is Ghost of Hufflepuff, he is jolly, and he dislikes Peeves (as does everyone.)

Professor Binns

Professor Binns is a boring ghost who teaches History. Most of the students fall asleep during his classes. However, one day, when he was teaching about a warlock convention, Hermione asked him about the Chamber of Secrets. After some persuading, he finally reluctantly told them about the legend, which proved to help Harry, Ron, and Hermione on their journey.


Peeves is little pesky Ghost. His sole purpose at Hogwarts is to annoy and scare people. No one likes him, but he doesn't seem to mind.

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