Journal 3 Anger is like a big bush
fire growing Anger is like a volcano
exploding molten lava inside of you Like a spiky monster
stabbing me Like a bomb blowing up
inside me That's what anger
is. By Jamie Happiness is like seeing
bright stars in the sky Happiness is like eating
delicious crispy icecream Like fireworks booming into
the sky Like a beautiful dripping
green rainforest. Thats what happiness
is. By Linda Frustration is like a
huge tidal wave coming to the town Like a bit of elastic
about to snap. Like someone shouting
really loud That's what frustration
is. By April Anger is like a monster
inside of you, trying to kill you. Anger is like a volcano
bursting out of your body. Like a big, huge man
coming to punch you. Like lightning burning
the sky down. That's what anger
is. By Quinn
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