world cup kids!

Junior Reporters

Miyagi 2

We Were in the Newspaper!
by Tsurugaya School for Special Education

  Since it was decided that the Italian team would visit Tsurugaya School for Special Education, a number of newspaper and TV people have visited our school to report on our preparations. On May 25, the school was featured in Kahoku Shimpo, a local newspaper. Italy are nicknamed the Azzurri (Italian for "the blues"). They are a very popular team. Many of the students at Tsurugaya have favorite Italian players. Some have said, "I want to meet Totti!" or "I want to shake hands with Vieri!" In the middle- and high-school sections, the students have been practicing Italian phrases like "buongiorno" (hello) and "grazie" (thank you) so that they can talk with the players. They are finding Italian quite difficult, but they are trying their best!