Komei School for the Physically Handicapped

Where we're located, our history, and the kind of facilities we have

Located in Tokyo's Setagaya Ward, the Komei School for the Physically Handicapped is attended by 190 students. The students are very active and are determined not to let their handicaps slow them down. See what life is like both inside and outside of school for the high school students at Komei.

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Take this virtual tour to see what it's like to spend a day with us

There are 60 high school students at Komei, and they are all friends regardless of age. They study a wide variety of subjects, they go on field trips, and some of them stay in a boarding house. Come and see what everyday life is like for these students.

Go to "Step Inside"

The school festival, field day, and other big days students look forward to

Every fall, the students at Komei participate in the Komei Festival, where they demonstrate what they have learned in school. This year the students put on plays, sang songs and danced, exhibited their artwork around the school, and even ran a store selling candy. Come look at what the students did during this school festival.

Go to "Special Events"

The things we do differently from other schools

For students, computers are important tools that allow them to express themselves and communicate with others outside of school. Students at Komei have a wide range of other interests, and there are some who are quite accomplished in such areas as sports and the arts. Read about these students and the special activities they are involved in.

Go to "Distinctive Features"