Practice Makes Perfect

Hirotsugu Yamaguchi, who lives in Takeo City, Saga Prefecture, was studying the art at the Arita College of Ceramics.
The Tools

The tools used for making Arita ware are packed with the wisdom of artisans. There are many tools that you've probably never seen before. Let's take a look at some of them and find out what they're for.

(1) Potter's wheel
The potter's wheel is for forming the kneaded clay into various shapes. The flat part on top spins around, allowing a ceramist to create round shapes and cylindrical shapes. Forming the clay into well-balanced shapes is pretty difficult, though.

Raising the clay on the potter's wheel.
Raising the clay on the potter's wheel.

(2) Wooden modeling tools
Since ceramists can't put their hands inside when making a vase, they use modeling tools to adjust the shape from the inside. They're handy tools that can go in through small openings.

A wooden modeling tool.
A wooden modeling tool.

(3) Tonbo
The tonbo is a tool for measuring the dimensions of a piece that has been made on a potter's wheel. Ceramists use this to check if the shape is well balanced.

A tonbo.
A tonbo.

(4) Cutting wire
Wires are very important tools, too. A piece that has been formed on a potter's wheel is cut off in one motion from the clay underneath using a wire. This is a handmade wire made by twisting together the tips of rice plants.

A cutting wire.
A cutting wire.


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