I've heard that the Japanese have long lives. Is that true?
Until the end of World War II, people in Japan lived to around 50. In 1940, for instance, the average life expectancy was 49.6 years for women and 46.9 years for men. The fact that a lot of babies died at birth brought the averages down.

The end of the war in 1945 raised people's life spans somewhat; between 1945 and 1950, on average, woman could expect to live to 59.6 years and men to 56.2 years.

Just half a century later, though, the Japanese became some of the most longest-living people on Earth. In 1996 there were 470,000 Japanese who were 90 or above, and it's now normal for people to live to 80.

The fact that Japan hasn't been involved in any wars during this period is one big reason for the increased longevity. Other factors are higher nutrition and hygiene standards, advances in medical technology, and greater access to medical services, which has saved the lives of many newborns and people in the prime of their lives.

For the past decade, Japan has had the longest life span of any country in the world--both for men and women. The average life expectancy in 1996 was 83.6 years for women and 77.0 years for men. In second place were Swiss women, with a life expectancy of 81.6 years, and Icelandic men, at 76.9 years.