Feedback Form for Kids
We welcome your comments about Kids Web Japan so we can make it better and more useful.
1. What do you think of Kids Web Japan?
Really cool!
Pretty interesting
It's OK
Not very exciting

2. How did you find about Kids Web Japan?
From my school teacher
From a friend
While surfing the Net
By using a search program

3. Where and with whom did you visit our site?
At school during class
At school after class with friends
At school after class alone
At home with friends
At home with parents or siblings
At home alone

4. Did you visit our Explore Japan page?

5. Which sections did you find interesting (you can choose more than one)?
Explore Japan
Quick Queries
Monthly News
Annual Calendar
Kids Link
Japan Kids Gallery
Virtual Japanese Culture
What's Cool in Japan
Eco Kids
Kids Web Plaza
Folk Legends of Japan
A Japanese Cookbook for Kids
Language Lab
Welcome to Our School
Young Masters of the Arts
Kids Techno Adventure
World Cup Kids!
Okinawa Odyssey

6. Did you submit a picture to Japan Kids Gallery or send us a question?
Not yet, but I plan to

7. Kids Web Japan is updated every month. Will you be visiting us again?
Don't know
I doubt it

8. Which computer are you using?
PC with Windows XP
PC with Windows Me
PC with Windows 98
PC with other operating system
Apple with Mac OS X
Apple with Mac OS 9.2 or lower
I'm not sure

9. Does your computer have a CD-ROM drive?
I'm not sure

10. Which browser are you using?
Netscape 2.0 or lower
Netscape 3.0
Netscape 4.0
Netscape 6.0 or higher
Internet Explorer 3.0 or lower
Internet Explorer 4.0
Internet Explorer 5.0
Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
I'm not sure

11. What are some of your favorite Web sites? Tell us why you like them.

12. Tell us how we can make Kids Web Japan better. What kind of a page would you like to see added? Is there any additional information you want us to provide?

13. Tell us about yourself.
Name (to get postcard):

E-mail address (optional):

Mailing address (to get postcard):


Gender: boy girl

City and country where you live:

Thank you for filling out this form. We want to make Kids Web Japan better and more useful together with you!