
Information about environmental protection in Japan and kids' involvement in environmental activities.

Eco School

In Eco School, you can find out about environmental problems and other environment-related things. What efforts are being made in Japan to protect the environment?

World Heritage Sites: Yakushima and the Shirakami Mountains

  Jomon Cedar
© Kagoshima Prefectural Tourist Federation

World Heritage Sites are treasures shared by all humankind and protected by international cooperation. Let's look at some of the World Heritage Sites in Japan.

Previous News

We Are Eco Kids!

Find out how young Japanese are tackling ecological issues. Eco Kids introduces the activities of the Junior Eco Club and other environmental groups for kids around the country.

There are lots of facts about the natural environment in different parts of Japan and summaries of the activities undertaken by local ecology groups.

Nojima Nature Explorers

Nojima Nature Explorers

2003 January

Previous News

To find out basic facts about environmental protection in Japan, go to Protecting the Environment in Explore Japan.

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