Guide Dogs

Guide dogs for the blind are usually bred especially for that purpose, and they are the offspring of other successful guide dogs.

These puppies will one day give a blind person the independence to move around freely.

Guide dogs, like other companion dogs, need to go everywhere that human beings go. That means that they legally have access to places where normally dogs are not allowed.

Anyone who denies access to a guide dog, or a guide dog in training, can be fined.

Guide dogs or companion dogs usually wear a uniform (dog coat) or have a special harness, so that you can tell they are a working dog.

When the guide dogs are trained, they are paired up with a blind handler. They will form a very close bond, and learn to depend on each other.

Only some breeds of dog are successful guide dogs. Often they are labradors, because that breed of dog likes to work closely with a person, whereas other kinds of dog want to rush off on their own, or go off and retrieve things.

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