The cost of a pet



Actually paying for a pet is only the start of what having a pet costs you.

First of all, you need to feed the pet every day.

This will add up to a regular amount of money each week.

Then, if your pet gets sick, you will need to pay for a vet. If your pet needs to have a blood test, for example, it will cost about $50, as well as the cost of visiting the vet.

You would need to allow money to pay for sudden unexpected emergencies.

If you go away and leave the pet behind, you will need someone else to look after it. Sometimes you may be lucky enough to have a friend or family member who will do it for free. But if you have to use a cattery or a kennels, it will cost you quite a bit of money for your dog to stay there.

Some animals, like dogs, need to be licensed each year. That means you pay each year. It costs you $100 for owning a dog in Manukau, but if you neuter your dog, or prove that you are a good owner with a fenced property, and your dog never roams, it may only cost you $40.

Even if you got your cat or dog free, you will end up spending thousands of dollars on it during its lifetime.

There is no such thing, as a free pet. They cost you a lot of money to look after - much more than just on the food you feed it.

It has been estimated that you could spend $15,000 to $20,000 on a dog in its lifetime!



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