What kinds of kiwi are there?

There are four different kinds of kiwi (scientists call them 'species' of kiwi).

Two of these species have split into two different kinds, so altogether there are six kinds.


 Southern Tokoeka

'Big, friendly birds'

Live in out-of-the-way places. 27,000 remain.


'Very rare'

Identified as a separate species in 1993.Live in snow and native forest. Only 200-300 of these kiwi remain.

 Little Spotted Kiwi

'Small and friendly'

Survive only on off-shore islands. About 1000 left.

 North Island Brown Kiwi

'Big noses and short tempers'

We think about 35,000 remain.

 Great Spotted Kiwi

'The Mountaineer'

Lives in the mountains of the South Island. Over 10,000 pairs survive.

  Okarito Brown Kiwi

'Forest bird'

Not identified as a separate species until 1993. Only140 birds survive. Lives in very small and remote area.

How are these kiwi different? Size? Feather colour? Behaviour? Call? Food?
