and Activities

Here are some activity ideas to try out in the
Make Simulated
Papyrus scrolls were made by taking slices of the inner part
of the papyrus stem and arranging them in perpendicular
layers. The layers were then covered with linen and
flattened by a stone to get the juices to leak out. Once
dried, the layers were stuck together. You can use another
water plant to do this. Cut the flat leaves of cattails and
soak them in a bucket of water. You may want to add a
teaspoon of bleach to kill the pond smell. After they are
good and soaked, rinse and replace the water, but this time
use a much smaller amount. Add glue or wallpaper paste to
the mix. Have the children lay a piece of paper towel down,
and then criss-cross the cattail fronds. Cover with a wet
piece of cotton cloth, smooth out with a rock, and remove
the cloth. Let dry. The paper towel can be trimmed so you
don't see it from the front, but keep it on the back to help
hold your papyrus together. Children can use their papyrus
to create Egyptian art or to write their names in
Unification of Upper and Lower
Explain how Narmer unified Egypt in 3100 BC, and that the
double crown was created by combining the white crown of
Upper Egypt with the red crown of Lower Egypt. Then, have
the children create new symbols for a modern unification by
combining the logos of competitors. To get them thinking,
ask what the logo could be if Coke and Pepsi were united. Or
MCI and AT&T, or Ford and Chevrolet, or Apple and
Microsoft, or the USA and Canada, etc. Have magazines
available for kids to reference corporate logos and an
encyclopedia for flags of countries. Also, an internet
connection is handy for looking up companies' web pages, you
can almost always find a logo there!
New Deities
Ask the class to come up with a list of some of the animals
that live in your state. Record them on the chalkboard. Then
have the kids create new gods and goddesses using the heads
of your local animals. Brainstorm a list of topics that
their deities can symbolize, such as friendship, schools,
fun, etc. Challenge them to make their animal choices match
the attribute they represent: for example, an owl-headed god
of schools ("wise as an owl"), a dog-headed god of
friendship ("man's best friend"), a bee-headed god of work
("busy as a bee").
Bizarre Bazaar
After teaching about bartering and supply/demand, have a
bartering session. Get one of those 5-lb bags of candy, some
stickers, pencil tops, and other gimmicky cheap stuff.
Distribute it to the kids, trying to make sure each child
has only one type of item. Don't give the same amount to
each child ("This was a bad year for Peanut Butter Cup
crops!"). Let them mingle and barter with each other. Follow
up with discussion about how they decided what things were
The Egypt Game
Have the children read "The Egypt Game" by Zilpha Keatley
Snyder. Make each student responsible for writing a summary
and drawing a picture for one of the chapters (there are 23)
and then bind them all together as a single book. Or, have
each student create a shoe-box diarama for their assigned
chapter, and lay them all out in a "story train."
Vacation Greetings from Famous
Egyptian Places
Pick several well-known touristy sites (Pyramids of Giza,
sphinx, Hatshepsut's temple, the step pyramid, Lighthouse at
Alexandria), places (Karnak, Tel el Amarna, Nubia, the
delta) and have kids research them. Decide on a few things
that the kids will have to discover, such as: When was it
built? Who built it? Why? Where exactly is it? What are a
few other interesting facts? Then the kids pretend they are
on vacation visiting the site. They make postcards that have
a color drawing of the site on the front. On the back,
postcards are addressed to a friend or family member and a
stamp with an Egyptian theme is created. The kids write a
vacation greetings letter and include the research facts in
it. NOTE: This activity works well with lots of other
cultures. I have my students do the Seven Wonders of the
Ancient World with this project.
Mail Order Catalog from an
Egyptian Retailer
Have students create a mail order catalog of Egyptian items
with descriptions and "prices" (i.e., 2 bushels of corn, 1
goat, etc.). Have each page feature a specific category.
Items could include furniture (beds, chairs, thrones,
couches), food (pomegranates, corn, lettuce, beer, onions),
African animals (giraffes, baboons, lions), personal
care/fashion (make up, tweezers, wigs, clothes, sandals,
mirrors, kohl), weapons (chariot, bow and arrow, shields),
funeral equipment (sarcophagi, coffins, canopic jars, Book
of the Dead). Have the students name their catalog and make
a cover.