Fruity Pharaohs
mummification simulation

Each student is presented a "deceased" Fruity Pharaoh and
they begin the mummification ritual.
for your own use...
sharp cutting knife
per student...
Fruity Pharaoh
cotton balls
pieces of aquarium gravel
five-inch piece of string
per group of students...
roll of masking tape
roll of school-grade brown paper towels
small bucket (size of an empty Cool-Whip container)
bottle of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol
per class...
- Begin class by solemnly announcing that you have bad
news: During the night, the Hyksos army attacked the
palace and killed our mighty and beloved pharaoh and all
his sons; and that as the most respected embalmers of all
Egypt, it is our job to see to it that they are properly
prepared for an eternal afterlife.
- Identify yourself as the hery seshta (chief embalmer)
and the kids (and aides, if you have them) as the wetyw
(embalming assistants). The classroom is of course now
the per nefer (embalmer's workshop). Because the chief
embalmer wore a jackal mask to represent Anubis, the god
of mummification, I made a quickie Anubis mask by adding
cardboard ears, snout, and eyes to my baseball cap!
- Pass out the Fruity Pharaohs and all the supplies
that each child and group will need. Designate one child
per group to fill their bucket with natron.
- The kids need to make tags to
be able to tell their mummies apart. Have them tie one
end of the string to the wire sticking out of the Fruity
Pharaoh's head. Next, they fold a piece of masking tape
around the other end of the string and write their name
on it.
- Go from child to child and use the knife to make a
diagonal incision on the abdomen (the orange). This is
where the extra pair of hands REALLY helps! Cut deep to
help break up the pulp. Don't make it too big though,
because it may tear when the kids start digging out the
organs. After you make the incision, let the kids stone
you with the aquarium gravel in mock ceremony to show
their displeasure with this act of desecration. Set the
rules for what is acceptable: all three pebbles at once,
underhand, not in the face, etc. Or you can be a big poop
and skip this part all together.
- The kids then carefully remove the organs (pulp and
seeds) with their fingers. Warn them about how easy it is
to accidentally rip the incision to a much larger size!
As the organs are removed, the kids place them on a
folded piece of paper towel to help absorb the

- Once all the organs are removed, students wash the
body inside and out with "wine" (cotton balls soaked with
rubbing alcohol) to help prevent decay by killing some of
the bacteria. Then have the kids fill the abdomen with
natron and sprinkle spices all over
the pharaohs.
- The kids next get rid of as
much of the juice from the pulp as possible by squeezing
it in the paper towel. They wash these organs with
alcohol, too.
- To dehydrate the organs, the
kids need to put a small scoop of natron in the center of
a new piece of paper towel. The pulp and seeds are placed
on top, and a bit more natron is added. The paper towel
is bundled up into a pouch and held shut with masking
tape. Have the kids write their names on the tape.
Collect these in the paper grocery bag.
- While the kids are busy
working, cover the bottom of the plastic sweater box with
a layer of natron about 1/4 inch deep.
- Collect the Fruity Pharaohs as
kids finish. Lay them in the sweater box face up. Barely
cover them with natron once you've collected all of them.
Don't bury them too deep-- or else the moisture will have
a hard time evaporating. AND NEVER USE A LID! If you do,
the moisture will be trapped inside the box, the natron
will stay damp, and the Fruity Pharaohs won't

- Two days later, remove the
Fruity Pharaohs from the wet soggy natron (don't throw it
out because you can use it next year). Dry out the
sweater box, lay down a fresh 1/4 inch layer of natron,
and replace the pharaohs. Barely cover with a new layer
of natron.
- It will take a couple weeks for the Fruity Pharaohs
to mummify, but that's OK because you will need that time
to build the coffin and sculpt the canopic jars, shabtis,
and amulets.