Tomb The
Fruity Pharaohs a
mummification simulation
STEP 1: You need to make the Fruity
Pharaohs for the kids the day before you plan on mummifying
for your own use... 1
sharp cutting knife 1
fork 1
long nail or knitting needle wire
cutters 1
empty barrel of a Bic pen per student... 1
potato 1
orange 2
buttons (the type with two or four string holes) 1
piece of floral wire per class... 2
large plastic sweater boxes
Bend the floral wire in half and insert each end
through two of the holes of the first button.
Slice off a piece of the potato to expose a surface
for the face. Depending on the size of your potatoes, you
may even be able to use one potato for two kids by simply
cutting it in half. Stab the rest of the potato (avoid
damaging that royal face!) with the fork a few times. The
openings in the skin created by the face and the fork
holes help the potato to dry out during the mummification
Poke the nail (or knitting needle) through the center
of the potato. Do the same for the orange.
Holding the ends of the wire together, gently glide
them up through the holes you just made, going through
the orange first.
Make sure the potato and orange are snug together,
and then pass the ends of the wire through the second
button. The buttons prevent the wire from tearing through
the soft parts of the orange and potato.
Twist the ends of the wire to keep it all
Cut off extra wire so that you only have about 1 inch
sticking through the button. Fold the wire down so it's
not sticking up.
Carve simple features on the face of the potato. Use
the empty barrel of pen for punching out holes for the
eyes and to carve a mouth.