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Preparing and making the first page

Collect resources || Plan home page || New Page || Set parameters || Save page

1. Collect your resources

Before you start, you must plan your site, get your resources made, & organise your files. Have all the information ready, and all the images you will need.

Make a folder naming the site (but remember, NO SPACES!) You can call it RoomTwo but not Room Two with a space between the words.

Inside this folder, put another folder called "images" and put all images you will use inside that folder.

All of the web pages you make will go into the site folder, and your folder will look like this one below.

Remember that you can't move pages or images around later on without losing links.

All your HomePage pages should be saved ending in ".html" and no spaces should be included in the names. Call your pages sensible names so you know what they mean, and colour the first one red by using the Label command.


2. Plan the home page of your site

Your first page will be the home page of your site, and the first page that people open when they visit your site. It should have a title, probably an image, and links to the other pages in the site. It is your main menu.

Here is an example:


3. Making the first page

Open Claris HomePage, and you will get a new blank page called Untitled.

Under Edit in the menu bar, select Document Options, (or click the button to the right of the link button).


4. Setting parameters

When the next window opens, click the Parameters tab, and type in the name of this page, and then click OK. This is the name that will show up in the top bar of the browser, so it should explain what the page is about. If users use the Go command to navigate round your site, this is what they will see in the Go choices.


5. Save your page

Under File in the menu bar, select Save As, and then navigate to inside the folder you have made for your site.

Save the page (and it is a good idea to call your main menu page index). Now you just need to go Apple-S at regular intervals, to save the changes you have made to your page.



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